Due South Foundation (DSF) is an improv theater and education organization located in Chicago Illinois (USA).  DSF was founded in 2015 as an artist-led organization with a mission to affect personal, professional and social change on Chicago's historic South Side.  Our work is inspired by the legacy of Viola Spolin and - in partnership with renowned organizations including the University of Chicago and Chapin Hall - developed innovative improv-based workshops to deliver a range of outcomes within disparate groups including:

  • Acceptance of new ideas;

  • Attentive listening;

  • Spontaneity without critical judgment;

  • Storytelling to develop a narrative; and,

  • Non-verbal communication.

DSF has implemented these programs with dozens of organizations and populations from a range of backgrounds including Chicago Public Schools, Citizens Archive of Pakistan, Akiba Schechter Jewish Day School and many, many others.